This Month's Magazine

Discover the following stories and testimonies:

  • What did George W. Bush think of his time in the Army?
  • The cause of death of King Louis XIV
  • How is Queen Elizabeth related to Henry VIII?
  • Antibiotic plants revealed in a Civil War guide
  • The Question of Philosophy in Ancient Greece
  • And many more.

With each new issue, we try to expand upon novelties and innovations in the current world. You can buy the magazine from any news stand or kiosk, while also being able to subscribe to the online version of the magazine straight from our website.

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La solidaritat antifeixista dels estibadors del Grau​

La narrativa predominant del passat de Castelló ens trasllada a un poble sense conflictes. La identitat local s'ha construït sobre la concepció...

La llarga lluita de les dones del Despertar Femenino

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Feministes de Castelló en la Transició (1975- 1985)

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Joaquín Varea Queralt. Fotografia de Francesc Durà.ugb-01e66bf hr.ugb-divider__hr{background-color:#313131 !important;height:4px !important;width:100% !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important}.ugb-01e66bf .ugb-inner-block{text-align:center}